I decided to share this part of my story as a way to help aspiring and current business owners to see their opportunities despite trying circumstances that may develop. If you want to fulfill your goal of entrepreneurship then sometimes a change of prospective is all that's needed.
In my years of being an entrepreneur, business owner, business consultant, having a career in accounting, and commissioned as a civil law notary, I have witnessed people at all different levels of business. Before I became an entrepreneur all I knew is that I wanted to create a business that would help other business owners in some way. At the time I wasn’t sure of how I would help or what services I would provide. It just so happened that I became a business consultant by chance. It all began when a business owner who had asked me for help with their business really liked my quality of work. That opportunity was followed by several word of mouth referrals and I started to tell more people what I did. I would incorporate their startups, design marketing/advertising tools, draw up documents, and act as a consultant when needed. Basically, I was doing a lot of the same things I do today, but at that time I was doing it on the side while still working as an accounting supervisor.
My husband and I had eventually begun a dump trucking company. My position was and still is to handle all paperwork, contracts, taxes, financials, etc. while my husband oversees the daily operations in the field, our drivers, and all equipment. My husband had years of experience in trucking, but to me this was all new. When I’m involved with something I like to know as much as I can. So, this motivated to learn as much as I could about the trucking business and just business in general. I decided to take some more courses and became certified in business management.
Consequently, due to health reasons, I left my job. I was battling cancer and the stress of my job on top of dealing with my personal stress was too much to bear. I came close to losing my life and I felt lost and unsure of my future. I was on a medical rollercoaster so it became a mission for me to stay productive. I was focused on trying to keep myself motivated and in good spirits while I went through numerous surgeries and countless treatments. I would spend days searching online, reading, and researching, gathering information, and putting my ideas together. I printed signs for my truck, printed business cards, and created a website. I was doing what I could to keep my mind occupied, when I received a call from a friend whose employer needed help. They had a financial crisis, if you will, and I wound up providing my services to this business for several months. It was the first time I had worked for myself full time. I really enjoyed the freedom but I soon learned that self-discipline is much more important for success. I also realized that I really enjoyed providing my business solution services. I loved how it felt to help people and I realized that I had been doing this on and off for some time now. I questioned myself a lot and wondered if I had enough of what it took to build something successful on my own especially with my health situation. Even with doubt looming, I kept making necessary steps to move forward. I became a certified tax preparer and studied for the Louisiana Notary exam. Sometimes it would take me longer than normal to get things done, but it didn’t matter. I kept moving with something liken to a hunger inside of me. I even started our family operated recording label and entertainment company during this time. Some days it would be so hard, but through the help of Yahweh and family I was able to keep going. One of the biggest lessons I have learned from everything I have been through is to “not give up”. You just can’t if you want to survive. Each small step eventually adds up to the staircase to your destiny so it is imperative that you keep moving…ONE…STEP…AT…A…TIME.
Once I had become commissioned as a notary I wanted to get some hands on experience. I was offered a position at one the most successful local law firms. It was a great position working with great people but I was still on this medical rollercoaster ride. Aside from the cancer I was also diagnosed with a very painful disease called endometriosis. The pain gradually worsened over time. It became a routine every month where I was confined to my bed. During those times I became unable to work and I was riddled with guilt because I could not keep up. I was slowly becoming depressed. I did all I could to try and make the situation better. I even completely changed my diet. Even though I was blessed with a very understanding employer I eventually let the position go. I am proud though to say that I was sent a letter by that same firm stating that I was an asset and that I always have a position if wanted. That really made me feel good because I know I gave my best, but then I realized something. I realized that I had the power to create a business where when I feel well...I do, and when I feel bad...I don’t do. It’s not as simple as it sounds but it is doable. I shared this part of my story to show my struggle.
One night my husband and I were talking like we do every night. Somehow we got into a conversation about what we did as children. My husband said that when he was a little boy he used to always play with Tonka trucks. He would always say that he wanted to be a truck driver. I shared how when I was a kid my friends and I would play office. One friend would be the boss while the other was the secretary. I would also always say that I wanted to do something in music and be a business woman.
I guess you can say that leadership and entrepreneurship is in my DNA. My father was a supervisor for the city of New Orleans while my mother was a business woman in her own right. She owned two very successful home based day cares, a sweets and floral shop, a custom design floral store, and she sold merchandise at the flea market.
I started my first organization at the age of 10. It was a clubhouse which was made up of the kids from my street. I can remember organizing the activities my friends and I were going to do for the upcoming meeting. I remember feeling empowered and feeling like I had accomplished something, and I enjoyed how what I had created was bringing joy to my friends.
I know now in my journey that it is very important to reflect back on your childhood. In those times when you are questioning what is it that you really want to do with your life, think back to your younger self. What were your dreams, what did you say you wanted to be when you grow up? The answers we seek in our adult lives have sometimes been there all along. Life has a way of preparing us for where we need to go, you just have to pay attention. I speak on this in greater detail in my book The Drive From Soul To Self. 8 Steps To Put Your Life In Motion.
So after leaving the law firm, I continued working for myself from home. I really wanted to spread my wings in business, but I was still was dealing with all of my health issues. I felt restricted from working from home. I didn't feel comfortable really putting myself out there because I didn't want to invite unfamiliar people to my house. I managed my business the best I could, but I always felt that I was being held back by my circumstances.
Two years later the worst tragedy that I've ever experienced happened. My then 20 year old son went missing. I can't put into words the amount of despair I felt. I didn't know if I was coming or going. My mind was filled with all types of "what ifs". I was not eating or sleeping. My days and nights were filled with drinking wine to try and numb the pain. I exhaustingly searched and searched for him, but then every trail went cold. It has now been almost 4 years since his disappearance. To be totally transparent, I function everyday with a broken heart. It's a pain that I would want no one to experience.
After about two years into my son's disappearance I wanted to feel like a person again. I hadn't been taking good care of myself so I began getting myself back on track. For my own sanity, I needed to be productive again. I resumed doing work for my clients, and then I finished school. I realized that I wanted to help people with emotional issues so I earned a doctorate specializing in metaphysical counseling.
Another strange thing that I noticed was how my bouts of pain were becoming less frequent. Then it got to the point where I didn't have pain at all. A whole world of possibilities began to open before my eyes. I was feeling better physically but now my hinderance was mental. Due the circumstances surrounding my son's disappearance, I didn't like dealing much with people. I became very untrusting and, in all honesty, afraid. I was afraid of the world and what could happen. There was a lot of mental torture that I had endured from the situation, and that story I will share at another time.
I began to really sow into my business. I gained funding for my trucking business the allowed the business to grow at a faster pace. The company was doing better than it ever had before. This opened the door for other ventures that I wanted to try. I began investing in real estate and I created a foundation in my son's honor. I was doing all of this still from home. My businesses grew to the point where I had no choice. I needed to get out of my own way and finally move into an office space. That's when I created 321 Sun LLC.
The business name 321 Sun holds a great deal of meaning to me. It is named in honor of my son. His birthday is 3/21 and he is my "sonshine". I wanted to make sure that I include him in some way in all my endeavors. I never want to feel as though he is being forgotten. I dedicate myself to keeping his memory alive.
As for 321 Sun LLC, I wanted to create a business where I was providing the same business services but with the added element of personal coaching. I moved into my space and I have been enjoying the journey. I've made a conscious effort to allow myself to enjoy the process. I celebrate the small successes and am open to learning all I can.
Even with all of the struggles, it has led me to my purpose. That's why I would advise anyone to change your perspective on your life. Although terrible things may happen, there is always value to be found. That is why I am here, to help entrepreneurs to overcome the things that are holding them back. If I can do it, so can you.
Thank you for reading my story. I hope that you may find some bit of inspiration or that it may help you to find your way. If you feel that you may want or need any of my services, please don't hesitate to call. It would be my pleasure to serve you.
In my years of being an entrepreneur, business owner, business consultant, having a career in accounting, and commissioned as a civil law notary, I have witnessed people at all different levels of business. Before I became an entrepreneur all I knew is that I wanted to create a business that would help other business owners in some way. At the time I wasn’t sure of how I would help or what services I would provide. It just so happened that I became a business consultant by chance. It all began when a business owner who had asked me for help with their business really liked my quality of work. That opportunity was followed by several word of mouth referrals and I started to tell more people what I did. I would incorporate their startups, design marketing/advertising tools, draw up documents, and act as a consultant when needed. Basically, I was doing a lot of the same things I do today, but at that time I was doing it on the side while still working as an accounting supervisor.
My husband and I had eventually begun a dump trucking company. My position was and still is to handle all paperwork, contracts, taxes, financials, etc. while my husband oversees the daily operations in the field, our drivers, and all equipment. My husband had years of experience in trucking, but to me this was all new. When I’m involved with something I like to know as much as I can. So, this motivated to learn as much as I could about the trucking business and just business in general. I decided to take some more courses and became certified in business management.
Consequently, due to health reasons, I left my job. I was battling cancer and the stress of my job on top of dealing with my personal stress was too much to bear. I came close to losing my life and I felt lost and unsure of my future. I was on a medical rollercoaster so it became a mission for me to stay productive. I was focused on trying to keep myself motivated and in good spirits while I went through numerous surgeries and countless treatments. I would spend days searching online, reading, and researching, gathering information, and putting my ideas together. I printed signs for my truck, printed business cards, and created a website. I was doing what I could to keep my mind occupied, when I received a call from a friend whose employer needed help. They had a financial crisis, if you will, and I wound up providing my services to this business for several months. It was the first time I had worked for myself full time. I really enjoyed the freedom but I soon learned that self-discipline is much more important for success. I also realized that I really enjoyed providing my business solution services. I loved how it felt to help people and I realized that I had been doing this on and off for some time now. I questioned myself a lot and wondered if I had enough of what it took to build something successful on my own especially with my health situation. Even with doubt looming, I kept making necessary steps to move forward. I became a certified tax preparer and studied for the Louisiana Notary exam. Sometimes it would take me longer than normal to get things done, but it didn’t matter. I kept moving with something liken to a hunger inside of me. I even started our family operated recording label and entertainment company during this time. Some days it would be so hard, but through the help of Yahweh and family I was able to keep going. One of the biggest lessons I have learned from everything I have been through is to “not give up”. You just can’t if you want to survive. Each small step eventually adds up to the staircase to your destiny so it is imperative that you keep moving…ONE…STEP…AT…A…TIME.
Once I had become commissioned as a notary I wanted to get some hands on experience. I was offered a position at one the most successful local law firms. It was a great position working with great people but I was still on this medical rollercoaster ride. Aside from the cancer I was also diagnosed with a very painful disease called endometriosis. The pain gradually worsened over time. It became a routine every month where I was confined to my bed. During those times I became unable to work and I was riddled with guilt because I could not keep up. I was slowly becoming depressed. I did all I could to try and make the situation better. I even completely changed my diet. Even though I was blessed with a very understanding employer I eventually let the position go. I am proud though to say that I was sent a letter by that same firm stating that I was an asset and that I always have a position if wanted. That really made me feel good because I know I gave my best, but then I realized something. I realized that I had the power to create a business where when I feel well...I do, and when I feel bad...I don’t do. It’s not as simple as it sounds but it is doable. I shared this part of my story to show my struggle.
One night my husband and I were talking like we do every night. Somehow we got into a conversation about what we did as children. My husband said that when he was a little boy he used to always play with Tonka trucks. He would always say that he wanted to be a truck driver. I shared how when I was a kid my friends and I would play office. One friend would be the boss while the other was the secretary. I would also always say that I wanted to do something in music and be a business woman.
I guess you can say that leadership and entrepreneurship is in my DNA. My father was a supervisor for the city of New Orleans while my mother was a business woman in her own right. She owned two very successful home based day cares, a sweets and floral shop, a custom design floral store, and she sold merchandise at the flea market.
I started my first organization at the age of 10. It was a clubhouse which was made up of the kids from my street. I can remember organizing the activities my friends and I were going to do for the upcoming meeting. I remember feeling empowered and feeling like I had accomplished something, and I enjoyed how what I had created was bringing joy to my friends.
I know now in my journey that it is very important to reflect back on your childhood. In those times when you are questioning what is it that you really want to do with your life, think back to your younger self. What were your dreams, what did you say you wanted to be when you grow up? The answers we seek in our adult lives have sometimes been there all along. Life has a way of preparing us for where we need to go, you just have to pay attention. I speak on this in greater detail in my book The Drive From Soul To Self. 8 Steps To Put Your Life In Motion.
So after leaving the law firm, I continued working for myself from home. I really wanted to spread my wings in business, but I was still was dealing with all of my health issues. I felt restricted from working from home. I didn't feel comfortable really putting myself out there because I didn't want to invite unfamiliar people to my house. I managed my business the best I could, but I always felt that I was being held back by my circumstances.
Two years later the worst tragedy that I've ever experienced happened. My then 20 year old son went missing. I can't put into words the amount of despair I felt. I didn't know if I was coming or going. My mind was filled with all types of "what ifs". I was not eating or sleeping. My days and nights were filled with drinking wine to try and numb the pain. I exhaustingly searched and searched for him, but then every trail went cold. It has now been almost 4 years since his disappearance. To be totally transparent, I function everyday with a broken heart. It's a pain that I would want no one to experience.
After about two years into my son's disappearance I wanted to feel like a person again. I hadn't been taking good care of myself so I began getting myself back on track. For my own sanity, I needed to be productive again. I resumed doing work for my clients, and then I finished school. I realized that I wanted to help people with emotional issues so I earned a doctorate specializing in metaphysical counseling.
Another strange thing that I noticed was how my bouts of pain were becoming less frequent. Then it got to the point where I didn't have pain at all. A whole world of possibilities began to open before my eyes. I was feeling better physically but now my hinderance was mental. Due the circumstances surrounding my son's disappearance, I didn't like dealing much with people. I became very untrusting and, in all honesty, afraid. I was afraid of the world and what could happen. There was a lot of mental torture that I had endured from the situation, and that story I will share at another time.
I began to really sow into my business. I gained funding for my trucking business the allowed the business to grow at a faster pace. The company was doing better than it ever had before. This opened the door for other ventures that I wanted to try. I began investing in real estate and I created a foundation in my son's honor. I was doing all of this still from home. My businesses grew to the point where I had no choice. I needed to get out of my own way and finally move into an office space. That's when I created 321 Sun LLC.
The business name 321 Sun holds a great deal of meaning to me. It is named in honor of my son. His birthday is 3/21 and he is my "sonshine". I wanted to make sure that I include him in some way in all my endeavors. I never want to feel as though he is being forgotten. I dedicate myself to keeping his memory alive.
As for 321 Sun LLC, I wanted to create a business where I was providing the same business services but with the added element of personal coaching. I moved into my space and I have been enjoying the journey. I've made a conscious effort to allow myself to enjoy the process. I celebrate the small successes and am open to learning all I can.
Even with all of the struggles, it has led me to my purpose. That's why I would advise anyone to change your perspective on your life. Although terrible things may happen, there is always value to be found. That is why I am here, to help entrepreneurs to overcome the things that are holding them back. If I can do it, so can you.
Thank you for reading my story. I hope that you may find some bit of inspiration or that it may help you to find your way. If you feel that you may want or need any of my services, please don't hesitate to call. It would be my pleasure to serve you.